OnePage Posts 2015

020115       157

Two accounts of Jesus’ ministry in Luke chapter 8. In the first account (vs. 37) the people begged Jesus to leave. And in the second account (vs. 41) one of the religious leaders who usually didn’t want anything to do with Him had a (desperate) need. So he begged Jesus to come with him. In both cases Jesus complied. As a nation we are much like the first group. Yet when disaster or trouble comes we ask, “Where is God?” In case you didn’t know, He is a Gentleman. If we don’t want Him around, He will leave. One of the best car-bumper statements of faith I have ever seen was shortly after 9/11. Instead of “God Bless America” it carried the admonition, “America, Bless God!” But that’s America. Where are we as individuals? When we’re done blessing the Seahawks and Patriots, think about it. You’re not waiting on God. He’s waiting on you.

020215   161

What is God’s will? Good question. Do you want to know where to move—who to marry—where to work? Well, you’ll have to pray about that. But here’s something that might help. What if you knew someone who had walked with Jesus for years and was now older and experienced in the ways of God? Well, you do. His name is John, and he wrote a simple letter explaining the will of God for you. Here is his summary. My beloved friend, I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Now he’s not guessing at this. He’s been around a while. He even took care of Jesus’ mother for many years. So he got more inside information about the God he served and knew through His beloved Son. Read Third John verse 2 for yourself and then ask Him about all that other stuff knowing exactly what His will is for you.

020315   169

Matthew chapter eight tells us about Jesus’ ministry of healing. The first is a guy with leprosy who was interested in whether Jesus felt like healing that day. To which He responded, “I do.” Next was a Roman officer whose servant was sick. He asked Jesus the same question and He agreed to come to his house. But he replied, “No. I understand authority. Just say the word and he’ll be fine.” This really impressed Jesus—that this Gentile had more faith than any Jew He had yet seen. Then there was Peter’s mother in law. And then a bunch of sick folk got healed. Now here’s the clincher. Matthew added later that all this happened because Jesus bore all our sins and sicknesses on the cross. Not only our sins, but our sickness! If you have the faith to get saved, you have the faith to get healed. It all happened on the same day on that old rugged cross. Today receive everything Jesus suffered and died for.

020415       172   wed

Have you ever wrestled with the concept of being a believer and still striving to get ahead. Jesus, Himself, managed a successful and profitable ministry. He traveled with a pretty good size following as well as a full time staff (including a treasurer); all of whom had to be fed and lodged. And still had plenty to give to the poor. If you believe the gospel is about poverty, then you’re committing a mortal sin by working for money. Jesus was never against money or even prospering—just covetousness. You know He’s Jewish, right? Here is His view on ‘getting ahead’, “God knows you have to live and eat and take care of your family. So seek first His Kingdom and He will take care of all the rest” [Matthew 6:32-33]. He also said, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (everything you need and more)” [Luke 12:32; 6:38]. So how do I seek first His Kingdom and work hard, too? You don’t. But more on that tomorrow.

020515     168     Thursday

Yesterday I gave you Jesus’ formula for ‘getting ahead’. “Seek first His Kingdom and He’ll take care of the rest.” But how do I balance that with working hard? You don’t. You see, when Jesus talks about ‘seeking’ the Kingdom He doesn’t mean trying to find it. If you’re a born again (Jesus’ words) child of God, the Kingdom is within you. To ‘seek’ His Kingdom is to make Him (His Word, His Name, His Faith) a priority. When you do, He adds wisdom, insight, direction, peace, success—even ‘witty inventions’ as a reward. Read Hebrews 11:6 and Proverbs 8:11-12 if you don’t believe me. So yes, you work but Proverbs 10:22 says that “…the Blessing of the LORD brings wealth without painful toil.” So give God your best. Not just a token 45 minutes on Sunday. And see what you can ‘give’ and not ‘get’ away with. That’s truly ‘seeking His Kingdom’ and then His part of the bargain (covenant) is to provide ‘witty’ ways for you to prosper.

020615   159     Friday

Do you have any idea how much God loves you? I don’t either. It’s not something we can put into an ‘idea’. Read the first three chapters of Ephesians (about 2 1/2 pages!). It’s too bad we call these short letters ‘books’ and the paragraphs within them ‘chapters’. I mean, who wants to read a whole chapter (often 1/2 page) or a book! (2-5 pages). Start with those three ‘chapters’. You just might enjoy it. But about His love…Here’s a teaser: Read Ephesians 2:4-7 (four verses / sentences). And He didn’t just love the good guys. Remember John 3:16? He loves everyone the same. He knows you better than you know yourself…and He still loves you enough to give up His beloved Son in order to spend eternity with you…yes, you. When you read something slowly over and over it’s called ‘meditating’. Try that with Ephesians 1-3. Guaranteed to change your life more than that ‘reality show’ you missed. If you prefer to receive these daily messages in email go to to subscribe.

020715       168       Saturday

Did you get that yesterday? God accomplished the unthinkable through Jesus so that He could spend eternity with you…yes, you! “But I thought the gospel was about us spending eternity with Him?” That’s true. And that’s marvelous. But what is more marvelous is that God did all this primarily for Himself. You see, He created this marvelous universe so He could populate it with a family like Himself. Exactly like Himself…to love. You may love your pets. But not like you love your children…your family…just like yourself. You had kids for the same reason. You wanted someone (like yourself) to love. Are you getting it? The Father already had perfect fellowship with His Son and communion with the Spirit of Grace. But being LOVE He wanted more. YOU are the ‘more’ that He wanted! His ultimate plan has always been to show you off (and all the rest of us) to the host of heaven. God, showing off you and me!. What a concept! Read Ephesians 2:7 again.

020815     Sunday     173

I don’t know if yesterday’s non-traditional view of God’s Love startled you. I hope so. It certainly did me…starting about six months ago when His Spirit nudged me into meditating on the subject. Here’s an excerpt from “’Twas the night before Jesus came…” a non-traditional Christmas poem with the same message: “I paid for it all—your choice to believe!…“It’s all in My Book—yours just to receive!…“Your works and religion served only to show…“Your need for the Truth but wouldn’t let go”…“Of the man-made traditions and reasoned out thoughts…“That seemed to make sense. But your heart that I sought…“Rejected the Blood that promised all things new…“And now: worse than ‘you without Me’ is ‘My eternity without you.’” The rest of it is attention-getting but the heart is in these two verses. I’ve been looking for a way to get this heart-felt (anonymous) word out before next Christmas. And maybe I have. Go to for your copy. If you prefer to receive these daily messages in email go to to subscribe.

020915   Monday     189

We’ve talked about meditating on God’s Word the last couple of days. But there is one prerequisite. You have to know it IS God’s Word. This best-selling book of all time is on your coffee table today because of blood that was shed to put it there. Jesus’ blood of course. But others fought the (religious) authorities who would kill to keep this Bible from being published. Maybe you know their names: Tyndale, Wyclif, Luther, among others. It is not a book to be taken lightly—yet some do. In a discussion on the subject, two people very close to me argued that it was unreliable. I made the point that their ‘faith’ was then also unreliable. You can have ‘faith’ that your personal view of eternity (or that of the church where you attend) will save you. But if you can’t back it up with fact then you might as well believe that Peter Pan or the Lone Ranger will save you. The Bible is the most reliable and authentic ancient writing in existence; period. Number two is not even in the same universe. More on that tomorrow.

021015     Tuesday   176

How can any ‘ancient writing’ be reliable? Good question. Consider this: Does the Bible have enemies? Are there those whose would discredit it? Well for over 2000 years critics have scrutinized relentlessly every syllable to do just that. The result? The critics continue but almost every scientific, historic and literary find has validated the authenticity of the Bible. See for more detail. Some still say, “We can’t believe what we can’t see.” Well no one you know has ever seen William Shakespeare or Plato. But supposedly reliable historical records validate their existence. But as mentioned earlier, the historicity of the Bible goes way beyond the records of ANY ancient document. Yet faith is still required. It’s your choice. No one is shedding (their own) blood to publish Mohammad’s or Buddha’s or Confucius’ writings. Why? Because they are all dead. Only Jesus died and rose again. No one else even claimed anything so preposterous. Why? Because it would be so easy to prove otherwise. He (and His Word) are worthy of your trust. Trust Him today.

021115       Wednesday     156

You probably already know the Word of God is reliable. But many don’t. And even those of us that do, tend to act otherwise sometimes. The Bible is true. But not because of all the historical evidence. It is true because God gave it and has protected its accuracy since the days of Moses. All the evidence presented over the last couple of days is simply the lowest level of verification: natural and physical. That’s just to get our attention…and to debunk the enemy’s claims that it’s just another book. So if you’ve ever had questions then bring them to the Father. He can handle our doubts. James 1:5 says He doesn’t even hold it against us. So let’s find out what He said in His Word and do it. That’s a few verses later (James 1:25). The result? We’re Blessed. And that means more than ‘happy’. But more on that tomorrow.

021215     Thursday       115

James 1:25 says you’ll be Blessed if you read and then do what God’s Word says. When God Blesses, that means that He ‘says something good about’. If that doesn’t sound very exciting then we need to understand something about God’s Words. What He says He gets. Actually, just like us. The difference is that He gets exactly what He says, the first time He says it. Read Genesis chapter one. You get the idea. So when we obey what He said then we are Blessed which also includes ‘enabled’ and ‘empowered’. “But how can we possibly ever do what God said?” Well, the verse we just read gives a clue. But there is more.

021315       Friday     152

How can anyone do what that God has said to do? Well if your question has to do with all 621 commandments (there were more than 10) under the Old Covenant (Testament) then the answer is, “You can’t”. No one ever did. Except Jesus of course. And He did it as a man to prove God’s grace. Yes, grace. And Jesus ministered under the Old Covenant. His blood sealed the New Covenant and that didn’t happen until His earthly ministry was finished. But back to doing His will (Word). In Matthew 22 Jesus said, “…on these two commandments hang all the law…” And those two commandments are: 1) Love God with all your heart and 2) Love your neighbor as yourself. Better than the 600+ that the religious leaders extrapolated from the original law. But you can’t even accomplish those two without God’s help. How convenient that tomorrow is all about ‘Love’.

021415       Saturday     187

Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m not sure where that came from but it motivated me to leave my Valentine invitation on Judy Gustafson’s doorstep in the fifth grade. In the sixth grade my secret love was classmate Anne Martel…but she dumped me for John Denver! Go figure. But I said yesterday that we need God’s Love to even ‘love’ like we should. The good news is that He has freely given that love. Even ‘shed it abroad in our hearts’. And how do we access that love? Receiving, is the Bible’s answer. When Jesus came He was rejected and even executed. But John tells us that as many as ‘received’ Him, He empowered to be re-born as God’s children. And receiving Jesus is receiving God’s Love. For He is Love…and Jesus and the Father are One. So here’s what the last couple of days have been about. You can’t do everything God commanded. So He reduced all those commandments to ‘Love”. And you can’t do that without receiving His Love. So ‘receive’ according to John 1:12 and 3:16…and be made free by the ‘perfect law of liberty’.

021515   Sunday     172

I spoke with a fellow believer the other day and in the midst of an uplifting conversation about our faith he mentioned why he left his previous denomination. “They don’t do communion right.” And he wasn’t talking about whether they honored Jesus. He was talking about the kind of juice and bread they used. I avoided that topic and continued with our fellowship. But it made me think, “How many trivial, traditional issues do we let get in the way of our mission (at least within the church) to bring unity to the body of Christ?” In another conversation with another believer he announced, “I was born a _______ and I’ll die a ________!” He inserted the name of his rather large denomination. I wanted to say, “You mean ‘Christian.’” But I waffled and bit my tongue. The Bible, God’s Word is our standard, not the District Office or Board of Deacons or even some powerful religious leader. Read it for yourself. Start with James 1:25 and Psalm 119:130 and of course Ephesians 4:13-15!

021615   Monday     167

Did you read Psalm 119:130 yesterday? If your church preached the Word then you got light and understanding. If that doesn’t sound like your church then you can get it on your own. Listen to this: “The entrance of Your [God’s] Words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.” According to that verse (and many others) the only way you can not understand the Bible is to not read it. Many read the Bible just for inspiration or help when needed. But this book is God’s Book. If you don’t believe that then you need to read just to find out how miraculous, and obviously God’s Book this book is. If you’ve never read it through then start with the ‘book’ of Mark. That’s eight pages in my Bible! And don’t try to figure everything out as if it were some theological puzzle. God’s Spirit is smart enough to say exactly what He means in a way you can understand it. But more on that tomorrow.

021715   Tuesday     157

We opened an age-old quandary yesterday by suggesting that God’s Word (the Bible) can be understood by the untrained layman. Many seminaries today teach that even the priests and preachers can’t understand it. What is taught instead is how to make entertaining (motivating, inspiring) stories based (mostly) on the writings of Scripture. Obviously this is not universally the case. But enough of what is taught in both Catholic and Protestant pulpits leans in that direction to indicate there is a problem. If preachers don’t believe that it’s God’s inerrant Word or even understandable then how can we be expected to believe it? Well, God thinks we can…and says so throughout His Book. So start as suggested yesterday with the ‘book’ of Mark (28 pages, remember?). At two pages a day you’ll get through it twice in the next 30 days. And I promise to include some posts from Mark to make it even more interesting. Starting tomorrow.

021815   Wednesday     171

Do you know where to find Ash Wednesday in the Bible? Neither do I. But it’s a good spiritual practice even if it’s not in there. We commemorate the beginning of Jesus’ time of testing by the devil in the wilderness for 40 days. Actually the testing took place when the 40 days were complete according to Matthew 4 and Luke 4. But denying your flesh some pleasure during the time of ‘Lent’ is as mentioned, good scriptural practice. But what does Mark say? Well, much less than the other gospel writers but the important part is the last thing mentioned, “…and the angels ministered unto Him.” (1:13) Did you know those same angels are sent to minister unto you? Read Hebrews chapter one. The clincher is in the last verse (Hebrews 1:13,14). And those angels are not the naked, overfed infants on our calendars and greeting cards. They are strong and fierce warriors (read 2 Kings 19:35),. Trust God for the ministry of His angels in whatever you’re facing today.

021915       Thursday   176

The first and second chapters of Mark are full of excitement. Actually the entire book (all 28 pages) is action packed. Mark is the shortest of the gospels because the writer centers on the ‘suddenly’ and the ‘immediate’ and what Jesus did more than what He said. If you’re reading a couple of pages a day as suggested (I am) then you by now have found out where Jesus lived. And that the friends of the paralytic broke up the roof tiles of Jesus’ house! Mark chapter two records Jesus’ astonishing words when they lowered this man in need of healing right into the midst of His meeting, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Under the Old Covenant no one’s sins were forgiven. They were covered or atoned for. The Pharisees reminded Jesus of this and then He added, “Arise, and take up your bed and go thy way.” The same faith that it takes to receive forgiveness can also heal your physical body. How did this happen? And how can we benefit from Jesus’ words? More tomorrow.

022015       Friday   158

“But that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins…I say unto you, Arise.” Yesterday we talked about this sick guy and his four friends who tore up the roof of Jesus’ house. Jesus healed him of course but His words of forgiveness shook up the religious folks in the meeting. His point was that all are in need of forgiveness, but only those who come as they are (in faith) can receive. Mark tells us that Jesus ‘saw’ their faith. And whatever you need, He provides. Chapters 10 and 11 are a few days away but feel free to read ahead. What this man needed was healing and freedom from the condemnation of the law. Whatever you need, tell Jesus, “Be it unto me according to Your Word.” If you mean that He will ‘see’ your faith. Have you got to chapter four yet? Some surprising stuff from there tomorrow.

022115       Saturday     136

“The sower sows the Word.” This is the heart of the most important parable in all of Scripture. Really. Jesus said so (Mark 4:13). This is the key to all that Jesus taught. It’s about having ‘ears to hear’. Two important points that Jesus made: 1) satan comes immediately to steal the Word spoken (sown), and 2) you can stop him by paying attention. Read Proverbs 4. So next time you read or hear God’s Word think about it, or better yet talk about it. And if you really want to benefit from it, find some way to act on what you learned. That’s what it means to ‘have ears to hear’. The ‘fruit’ that comes from your obedience will not only change you but be a blessing to others. Did you read two pages today?

022215       Sunday     150

If you’ve been reading two pages of Mark’s gospel per day then you know that it is definitely an action book. In chapter four the weather obeyed Jesus’ words and chapter five opens with a screaming, wild-eyed nut case who terrorized the whole town. The demons tormenting him also obeyed Jesus’ words and so did Jairus’ dead daughter. But a nameless lady got everything she needed without Jesus saying a word. And we can get everything we need the same way. Jesus was surprised when her faith put a demand on His power. When He said, “Who touched Me?” His disciples thought He was kidding. “Everyone’s touching You.” they was their response. Her healing was entirely her idea…and a great lesson to us. Jesus has already solved whatever problem you’re dealing with. Just touch Him…with your words. And receive by the same faith she exercised what He has already provided.

022315 Monday 172

The woman we talked about yesterday reached Jesus with some difficulty. She was unclean (under the law) and the ruler of the synagogue who could have had her stoned was alongside Jesus. And Jesus did not even see her until she touched Him, acting on her declaration of faith. But what about Jairus? He was in a hurry to get (and get Jesus) to his daughter. This interruption was a concern. But he kept his mouth shut and stood, like the woman, on his declaration of faith. Then he was told his daughter had died. Tempted to cry out, he held his peace as Jesus responded, “Be not afraid, only believe.” We will talk soon about our ‘words’, but for now just know that Jesus raised up Jairus’ daughter according to Jairus’ original declaration (words). And Jesus’ only words to him are recorded above. Speak the answer, not the problem. And don’t ever let go of God’s promise in His Word. Tomorrow, something you may not have noticed in a very familiar passage.

022415 Tuesday 154

“You give them something to eat!” When the 5000 were fed on a desolate hillside, it wasn’t Jesus who did the feeding. He told the disciples to feed them. Then He blessed the bread and fish (according to Genesis 1:28; 8:17; 9:1; 17:2; 26:24; 28:1-14 and 48:4) and gave it to the disciples. It was multiplied (according to Jesus’ blessing) in the hands of His helpers. Want to know how to bless your food according to God’s Word and not some made up (even rhyming) tradition? Here are some suggestions: Exodus 23:25 and 1 Timothy 4:4-5 and you can certainly make something uplifting from Deuteronomy 28:1-5. I know you’re (probably) not Jewish but according to Galatians 3:29 you are. So be like the disciples. When faced with a problem, bring what little you have to Jesus and then do what He said. He will multiply your seed sown and manifest Himself in your life.

022515 Wednesday 144

Did you pray for your leaders today? I did not say ‘agree with’. I said ‘pray for’. We are commanded to pray (first of all) for those in authority. Why? Well, so they can be directed or at least influenced by God’s Spirit. Here are a few less-than-godly rulers that accomplished God’s purpose in spite of themselves: a) Ahasuerus stopped the annihilation of the entire Jewish race (Esther 1-10) and b) Nebuchadnezzar appointed Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah [Hebrew names] to rulership positions in the Babylonian kingdom (Daniel 3) and c) Constantine stopped the persecution and proclaimed Christianity the national religion. Not that our leaders are all that evil, but we have a lot of leaders (judges, representatives, regulators, bureaucrats, etc.). So pray for them. Oh, and one more thing: Mark 11:25 says that when we pray, forgive if we have anything against anyone (ouch). More tomorrow. If you prefer to receive these posts via email go to to subscribe/unsubscribe.
022615 Thursday 139

Nowhere else in all of Scripture are we commanded ‘First of all to pray’. Only in 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Yesterday we asked, “Why?” Well, there is another answer…“that we might live a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty.” Sounds good but there is a difference between ‘Godliness’ and ‘goodliness’. Second Timothy 3:5 gives an accurate definition of ‘goodliness’ as ‘a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof.’ In other words ‘Godliness’ is not being detached from real life and raising one’s nose at regular folks. Godliness is walking and living according to the gospel…which is the ‘power of God’ (Romans 1:16). So pray for your leaders and forgive if you have anything against anyone. Then stand in faith for God’s Spirit to bring to pass everything He promised…for your town, your nation and the world.

022715 Friday 158

“Hear Me, everyone, and understand: There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!” I said we’d talk about our words. Well, Jesus’ view on the subject is pretty direct. And it doesn’t just work in the negative. According to Luke 6:45 whatever comes out of our mouth (or more specifically, our heart) has a direct effect on our circumstances. In other words if we plant ‘good’ (God’s Words) in our heart instead of just what we think or feel or hear on TV (or Facebook) then God’s will begins to happen. That’s scary to some people. But look at what He had to say about His plan for you starting with Matthew 7:11 and James 1:17. Start lining up your words with what God wants for you in His Word, and open the door to God’s best.

022815 Saturday 157

How does one start working on one’s words? Yesterday we talked about how important your words are. Well, according to God’s economy (kingdom) we get what we say. Not always immediately but what we say continually definitely has an effect on our circumstances. Do you use the phrase, “sick and tired” a lot? How about, “a pain in the neck”? Or, “that’s just unbelievable”, or “I just can’t believe what just happened…or what she said”? Or how about, “that’s just to die for” or “my feet are killing me”? Why do you suppose we use ‘illness’ and ‘weariness’ and ‘death’ and ‘dying’ and ‘pain’ and ‘unbelief’ to express ourselves? Jesus said, “out of the abundance of the heart (spirit) the mouth speaks” and “those words bring forth good or evil.” Think about it. Then purposely change your words from what you don’t want to what you do. Tomorrow…what Jesus’ brother had to say on the subject.

030115 Sunday 157

James…Jesus’ brother, not John’s…went further with the importance of our words than we did yesterday. He grew up with Jesus and saw first-hand what a powerful priority words were with Him. Proverbs tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Jesus knew that Scripture and many others by the time He was twelve. So listen to what James wrote after he realized (and received) who He was. “…in many things we offend all. [But] If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body”, or what the Bible calls ‘the flesh’. And Romans 8:1 says to, “…walk not after the flesh but after the Sprit.” The problem is how to do that. Well, James just gave us the answer. Bridle your tongue. But how? Let me quote from yesterday. “…purposely change your words from what you don’t want to what you do.”

030215-30 Monday 167

“Behold also the ships, which though they be so great…yet are they turned about with a very small helm…” James is speaking of course of the tongue. Growing up with his elder brother, Jesus he learned much about the power of words.
But consider this. The battleship, Bismarck was the bane of the allied forces at sea during World War II. The British ship, King George V finally sunk the ‘unsinkable’. How? Torpedoes were being dropped by plane and all missed the mark. One, however clipped the rudder and rendered the Bismarck immobile and uncontrollable. The British ship proceeded to pummel the defenseless (rudderless) behemoth and sent her to the bottom. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that life and death are in the power of your rudder (tongue). Watch your speech carefully for 24 hours and see if your confession is about what you want or more about what you don’t want. I certainly found out the latter when I actually listened…Change your words and change your destiny. Read (meditate) Luke 6 and James 3.

NO POST FOR Tuesday 030315-31
030415-32 Wednesday 141

If you’ve been reading 2 pages a day in Mark you’re through once and starting over. If not, you still get a good grade for reading this Facebook tirade. But try it anyhow. Everything for the past two weeks has referenced his gospel directly or indirectly. And today we’re looking at the Faith of God. Yes you read that right. He not only has faith but He has made that faith available to you! Jesus offered you and me that faith in Mark 11:22, “Have the Faith of God!” How do I know He even has faith? Because His Word says He gives it to every man. And He can’t give what He doesn’t have. So Come boldly (yes, boldly) before His Throne of Grace today and receive His Faith (Hebrews 4:16). He’s not holding anything back. Read (meditate) Ephesians 3:9-21.

NO POST FOR Thursday 030515-33

030615-34 Friday 170

Hebrews chapter 4 says that the Word of God is alive. And John chapter 1 reveals that Jesus is the Word made flesh. So that Bible on your bookshelf is not just a set of (impossible) rules to follow. Proverbs chapter 4 tells us that it is life and medicine to all those who find it. I have been promoting the reading, study and meditating of this unique Book for over 35 years. And these are just a few of the reasons. Many of you already know that. But are you ‘immersing’ yourself in its truth? It doesn’t take much. In fact the original name for the program designed to accomplish this in your life (and on your schedule) is called OnePageADay…and that’s a maximum, not a minimum. If you think you could handle that, then go to and get your free copy. If ‘life changing’ is too strong a claim then know that Psalm 103:1-5 at least can be yours. Tomorrow, Why God’s Love is not about religion.

030715-35 Saturday 176

God loves you. Most people know that. But did you know that’s not enough? God loves the whole world. Certainly you’re familiar with John 3:16. And His will is that all be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4). So why is God not getting His way? If that is truly your question then you have stumbled into one of the most important revealed mysteries in all of Scripture. Want to know what that is? Ok, are you ready? GOD IS NOT IN CONTROL. Scary, huh? If He were, He would get everyone saved by Tuesday and we’d all move into the Kingdom Age and live happily ever after. But it wouldn’t be so ‘happily’ would it? Not with all the unbelief and serial killers and blood-thirsty terrorists on the loose. You see, God’s love is not the issue. The issue is our love for Him. Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 and John 1:11-12 and then research that part about ‘whosoever believes’ in John 3:16. Tomorrow…if God’s not in control, who is?

030815-36 Sunday 162

If God’s not in control, who is? Good question. The short answer is: You are! Your eternal destiny is entirely up to you. If you like the idea of sharing an endless reunion with your Creator then the trip is already paid for. If you choose something else or just don’t believe in all that ‘Bible’ stuff, then that is also your choice. But it goes beyond that even. You see, when Jesus took back the clout the enemy stole from Adam, He said, “All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth” Then He said for us to “Go…” In other words He assigned that authority to you and me. That’s why His Name is so important. Peter said the power he exercised in Acts chapter three was solely from, “…His Name through faith in His Name.” That’s what we would call “power of attorney’ today. Read your ‘power of attorney’ contract and walk according to its conditions. His Name (and His Word) is still good.

030915-37 Monday 154

What would you like Jesus to do for you today? Save you? Save your family? Heal, deliver, guide, direct, bless you? Well, if you’ve been reading the last couple of days it might interest you to know He’s already done everything He’s going to do (or could do) for you…in other words…everything you need. Which does not mean that wherever you’re at, that’s it. It means that everything you could ever need or want is already paid for. Our job is to come to Him in faith (boldly) to obtain (receive)…That’s hard for some of us because we’re so conditioned to believing only what we see. Not to mention that we’re less than bold because we’re so unworthy. And of course we are…or at least we were. But now according to that ‘power of attorney’ contract on your coffee table we’ve been made ‘worthy’…even ‘righteous’. I may have said before, “He’s not holding anything back.” More tomorrow.
031015-38 Tuesday 142

Did that sound arrogant to be ‘bold’ before God? Well, arrogance IS a way to boldness. But being ‘bold’ because of what Jesus accomplished from the cross to the throne will never result in arrogance. To realize who and what we have become because of what Jesus suffered and accomplished will humble the most arrogant religionist. So how do we come ‘boldly’ before the Throne of Grace according to Scripture (Hebrews 4:16)? How do we exercise ‘boldness and access with confidence’ according to Ephesians 3:12? By faith, of course. Did you know that your faith was not only to get saved, healed, prospered and delivered? It takes faith to approach a Holy God whose love for you is limitless. And He’s the One who gave it to you. He wants you to come ‘boldly’. Come to Him with confidence today. He’s waiting.

031115-39 Wednesday 151

Have you spoken with anyone recently about God’s Good News only to be told, “That’s your truth. And I’m happy for you. But that’s not my truth.” Or maybe that’s exactly what YOU said. Well, there is an enemy of our souls. And his shrewdest move is for our time. It is that ‘everything’ is true. Let me ask you this. If you dropped a small pearl on the floor, you could find it quickly. But if at the same time a box of cultured pearls also fell on the floor, you’d have a problem. Why? Not because the authentic isn’t there but because it is hidden among those that just look authentic. Instead of arguing that the Truth is false, the enemy simply tells us that all is true. And you’re a bigot and intolerant if you insist that objective Truth even exists. Tomorrow…how to know the real ‘pearl’.

031215-40 Thursday 161

Evidence abounds to set the Bible on your coffee table far above any ancient writing, period. But that’s not enough. That’s just reason. And if ‘reason’ were enough then Philosophy, Psychology and the Social Sciences would all lead to Christ. But they don’t, do they? So is the answer, faith? Well, not if your definition is ‘blind’ or some baseless ‘wish’. If there were a flaw or catch in the account of Jesus’ birth, death, burial and resurrection then the enemies of God’s Word (there are plenty) would have discovered and exposed it as fraud. It’s been 2000 years and try as they may, the critics have not been able to eradicate or even contradict the Truth of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit put it all on the line through the Apostle Paul, “If Christ is not raised [from the dead] then our faith is vain and we are of all men most miserable.” This faith is real. Exercise yours today.

031315-41 Friday 157

Hope. Faith. Trust. Confidence. Love. Wouldn’t we all be happier with these going for us. Well, they are all available. But as Jesus said, “Not as the world gives…” These come only as gifts. And the Father is more willing to get them to us than we are to ask. James put it this way, “You have not because you ask not.” ‘Asking’ really is a high level of faith. We can find promises in God’s Word that look good, sound good and say they’re for us, but it takes faith to humble ourselves and ask. Why? Because that goes beyond reason. It is ‘reasonable’ to read something good and feel better for a while. But it takes faith to read, “…to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge” and then say, “Father, I receive that indescribable love that Christ gives, and commit to walk in it as You direct me today.” Read Luke 6:45 again.

031415-42 Saturday 141
The love of God came up yesterday as something to be received by faith. Why would one need faith to receive something so real and wonderful as God’s love? The best answer I know is that our natural minds can’t handle it. Our love is seldom unconditional. If we were wrongfully and cruelly executed it is unlikely that we would pray for our tormentors and ask that they be forgiven because ‘they’re not so bad, they just don’t know me well enough.’ But that is what the Son of God said on the cross. And the Father’s love for us is what put His Son there. He wanted so much to spend eternity with you and me that gave all He had left to gain all that He had lost. Don’t ever take for granted or underestimate His love for you.

031615-44 Monday 113

Did you (or would you) have kids to mow the lawn and help with the dishes? No. You wanted someone like yourself to love. Yet we think (religiously) that God wanted a bunch of humans to serve Him…which of course we do by sharing His truth and ministering to those He loves. But God’s overarching purpose is no different than ours. He wanted a family like Himself to love. Why that fell apart and why He had to go to such great lengths to fix it is the subject of the next few days. But for today, know why we’re here. It is to be loved. Now that takes some faith to receive.

031715-45 Tuesday 110

God’s love is why this universe exists. The Father and Son and Holy Spirit had an eternal and perfect and fulfilling relationship since before the foundation of the world. So why bother with time and space and this physical creation? The main reason is what we discussed yesterday. God is Love according to John’s first epistle. And being Love, He wanted more; more to love, more to bless, more to care for, more family. And had sin never happened, the Bible would be a very short book. But here’s the Good News: Jesus came to permanently fix everything that went wrong from Genesis 3 to Malachi chapter Four. More tomorrow.

031815-46 Wednesday 142

Jesus not only came to fix what went wrong; He ministered and lived and walked as a man; in fact, as the Last Adam. What that means is that He was a clear picture of Adam before the fall. And Adam was no weed-puller. He had dominion over all of God’s creation. God blessed him and gave it to him. Do you see now why Jesus walked and ministered as He did? He was our example, not how to be good boys and girls, but to exercise authority and dominion over all that the enemy had wrought since Adam’s treason. Could it be that Jesus’ mission was to feed and heal a few thousand folks and then go back home, leaving the billions of us to come struggling as before? If you don’t have an answer to that then tune in tomorrow.

031915-47 Thursday 131

If Jesus’ mission was not to feed and heal a few thousand folks and then go home nor to teach us how to ‘just get along’, then why exactly was He here? First John 3:8 tells us that He came to destroy the works of the devil (i.e., stealing, killing and destroying; John 10:10). Having done that, He empowered us to become His kin; sons and daughters of God…and walk in the authority and dominion that He had. No offense to Mr. Rogers but if you’ve learned his gospel of ‘getting along’ then you need to read 2 Timothy 3:5 for a description of ‘goodliness’ as opposed to ‘Godliness’. We’ve had many years of training in ‘goodliness’ so renewing our minds may be a process…but worth it. Tomorrow…the exciting conclusion.